This creative and conversational memoir style of blogging is embellished with photographs, sprightly texts, and gentle listening features. May these entries be as cathartic to read & to hear as they have been to conceive & to share. xo
Hey My Loves,
God, its been a week! First week of classes and already feel like I'm spilling with inspiration and fear and excitement and then some. The next few months--years really-- are going to be significant and change me, I can feel it. Or as my new friend Christine mentioned, in the language of Richard Rohr, "Peel aways the layers of my false self to my true self". Not that my passed few years have not been impactful toward my development, but the past year or so has been more a waiting game, stagnate energy chained to a piles of passions, but no outlet -- or not the most life giving outlets at least. I've really been more and more convicted, even in the days prior to the decision of Grad School, of how I am really living out the changes I want to see. I still am not living up to many of these areas, but there are at least some changes being made... Today I have taken one step -- small as I think it might be-- to write the House Members about my hopes for HJR-3 to be denied. Gandhi would say we cannot be religious without being involved in politics, and with my gravitation to Dorothy Day, the current Pope, and reflections on MLK as of late, I see where this calling for social involvement is necessary for my own spiritual thriving. Even sharing my own stance in a public domain seems a little nerve racking for me as my natural counselor within me --going to school for mental health counseling -- wishes to stand on neutral ground, so to make anyone of any opinion have a feeling of unbiased safety in my presence. But I felt a need to stand for all my brothers and sister of this world and this issue of Civil Rights we are facing currently. Enjoy the note -- as religiously peppered as it is ;P! I will start writing more about the excitement of all the firecrackers going off in my head & heart that are crashing into one another that is my experience of CTS & its application to real life soon enough! Ok, now for poetry reading & followed by lots of reading for school, Love to you all... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . My Dear House Member, Peace to you in this time of intensity arising within our "small-town" state. I hope you are able to balance your life with all the pressures of the demands of your work and the people. As a fairly new member of the Indianapolis community, I wanted to share with you the pride I have taken in our city, and my concern for the great need there is to work towards solidarity within the residence of her home state. Within the last two years, I have witnessed and been involved with really passionate individuals and groups of people dedicated to creating a creative, sustainable, and culturally diverse city. I have lived out out in the progressive west, where such ways of life have moved from a privilege to a right for their people. Still, with such societal advancements, their neighborliness pales in comparison to our Hoosier hospitality of this land. The warmth, generosity, playfulness, and attention our people give to one another abounds when measured to the timidity of interpersonal relationship of other cities. I plead with you, to regard this familiar quality of our home base as nothing short of vital for magnetizing people to this state, keeping others here, and taking best care of those who are. At this time in our world, what people are seeking most through all of the conscious actions within ecological and expressive ways of living is attempting to nourish our core desires as humans to love and contribute something greater than our individual selves . I believe HJR-3, if passed, will only give Indiana the reputation as a hypocrite to the entire country, and if you believe, the eyes of God. While I believe all religions have this message of acceptance to learn from, if you are influenced at all by the Christian perspective, please regard the knowledge that Christ was recorded as being an advocate for the poor, the oppressed, and the outcasts of his time and of all generations as he was one himself. He believed in one human family and the rights all of us have as children of God. Christ would have been on the side of objection for a law such as this to be passed, knowing the harm induced to another, he would induce on himself. I believe if you choose to reject HJR, you will be standing on the side of the light of hope and inclusivity at the real heart of the of people in this state --and in this country--as I have come to find true --not on the side of enabling popularity for a campaign for future monetary support. Please pray about choosing what is just, as many of the great change agents of the world have done--Gandhi, King, Christ-- not what is popular or engrained within your own cultural belief system. In the spirit of St. Francis, we are on this earth and for a short time to choose to love and not hate; pardon, not injure; faith, not doubt; to hope, not despair; to contribute light, not darkness; joy, not sadness. We will not despair, those us on the side of civil rights, no matter what the vote maybe. We will continue to spread light, and continuously ask for you to join us. Look within yourself, and extend to all your humanly brothers and sisters-- of all race, religion, sexuality, and social status-- the love and respect you would wish to have given to you and to those you love. I cannot imagine what stresses you all are going through in your attempts of making the decisions you are and within seeking fairness for all in a pool of so many differing stances of citizens, but know we are praying for you and for equality we all deserve. My sincerest peace to you all, Bre A. Domescik Concerned Global Citizen
Jessica L Edwardsq
1/25/2014 10:42:21 am
1/27/2014 11:27:49 am
Bless you, dear. I am not worthy! Love you!
Lynn Domescik
1/25/2014 02:03:44 pm
Wonderful job hon, so proud of you for not being afraid to exprss your feelings.
1/27/2014 11:29:02 am
Thanks momma, you know it can be a hard internal battle too, but trying to make my strides.. Love you!
Bill Adrian
1/27/2014 10:08:38 am
Wonderful letter Bre. Are you the advisor to the Pope?
1/27/2014 11:30:43 am
Hahahaha! Bless you & thank you so much, Uncle Bo! I don't think the Pope would like me so much right now ;} Maybe I will right a letter to him next - do love that man to pieces! Comments are closed.
This creative and conversational memoir style of blogging is embellished with photographs, sprightly texts, and gentle listening features. May these entries be as cathartic to read & to hear as they have been to conceive & to share. |
Bre A. Domescik, LLC © 2021